With emphasis on the RESPONSE part of ‘responsibility’, we regularly bring together experts from very different areas of the sustainability sector, especially sustainable building.
These events are part of the declared intent of the Wissensstiftung to make already abundant knowledge in the field of sustainability fully accessible to the general public.
Our aim in organising a series of round-table discussions is to offer entertaining sources of inspiration. We also run a series of Knowledge Hackathons, the output of which is translated into concrete ‘knowledge nuggets’ and made available free of charge.
We are kindly supported by the official partner organisations of the New European Bauhaus Initiative: Bundesarchitektenkammer, Bundesstiftung Baukultur and the German Sustainable Building Council - DGNB e.V..
We also count the Deutsche Städtetag and Deutsche Designtag among our supporters.
The world needs you - now!
Are you an expert with specialist knowledge? Why not use the Wissensstiftung platform to share your knowledge with others.
Interested in finding out if you have a topic that might be suitable for the Wissensstiftung? If you do, please enter your idea in the form below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Stay up to date with our newsletter on upcoming events, new ‘knowledge nuggets’ and other important information surrounding the Wissensstiftung.
Lea Bauer
Advisor Wissensstiftung
+49 711 722322-138
c/o Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen– DGNB e.V. (German Sustainable Building Council)
Tübinger Straße 43
70178 Stuttgart
We are a member of
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Für Spenden ab 200 Euro erhalten Sie automatisch eine Zuwendungsbestätigung im Sinn von § 10b EStG i. V. m. § 50 EStDV, sofern uns die Adresse vorliegt. Gerne können Sie uns Ihre Daten per E-Mail an info@wissensstiftung.eu übermitteln.
Per Überweisung
Kontoinhaber: Wissensstiftung
IBAN: DE69 7603 5000 0002 3836 67
Konto: 23 83 667
BLZ: 760 350 00
UmweltBank AG
Laufertorgraben 6
90489 Nürnberg